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Social Responsibility    Main steps and awards (2007 - 2020)

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Main steps and awards (2007 - 2020)




Top Employers certification 2020

Adoption of Principles on Human Rights


2019 Top Employers certification

Adoption of a Policy Gender Diversity 

First issue of Green Bond, for refinancing a portfolio of Project Financa renewable energy support


2018 Top Employers certification

ABI Innovation Award for corporate clients - The bank for businesses to UBI Welfare

OF Observatory for the best credit card in Italy for Hybrid Card

1st European Grand Prix de la Mixité for best practices on gender

Diaman Awards 2018 for Pramerica Europe Multifund Fund


Finance Monthly Fintech Awards Edition - UBI Banca awarded as Firm of the year

Aretè Award for communication dedicated to social bonds

OF Finacial Observatory - UBI Banca awarded as the best sustainability bank of the year

MF Innovation Award as the first bank to invest in the corporate welfare sector with the launch of UBI Welfare

Top Conditions- Bank Account Online for IWBank Account

FintechAge Awards for the IWBank Trading+ App

2017 Top Employers certification


Annual Prepaid Europe Awards - 1st prize in the category Prepaid marketing campaign of the year

Prize of Prizes - National Prize for Innovation of the MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research)

MF Innovation Award in the non-financial services category with the project Easy city

First prize awarded by AIFIN Banca e Territorio for the company voluntary scheme entitled "Donate one day"

The EMF Group "Future Bancassurance Awards"

Ital Gas Storage, finaced, amongst others, by UBI Banca as the Mandated Lead Arranger, was awarded the prize for the Best deal of the year in the Oil & Gas sector in Europe

Toplegal Corporate Counsel Awards prize in the category Tax Management of the year

2016 Top Employers certification


Project Finance International Award 2015 for Line 5 of the Milan Metro

MF - Milano Finanza Innovation Award in co-operation with Accenture for the first Social Project Finance in Italy

Green Globe Banking - Prize in the Indirect Impacts Category for the food and agriculture start-up competition “Cultivate the right idea”

2015 Top Employers certification


AIRC “Believe in research” Prize for having interpreted the values of corporate social responsibility with concrete long-term projects to help the AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research), by involving employees and customers and with constant support from management


Italian Banking Association Award for innovation in banking services (“The Charitable Bank” category) for UBI Community Social Bond project

National Award for Innovation (so-called "Prize of the Prizes") for UBI Community Social Bond project


Green Globe Banking Award from Globiz

AIFIn Banca e Territorio Award (second in the “Social Report” category)


Adoption of the Code of Conduct

Launch of UBI Comunità: the commercial offer dedicated to secular and religious non profit world

UBI Banca joins the CDL Index

Ethics training dedicated to employee


Adoption of the Code of Ethics

The marketing campaign Qui fai. Qui hai. Qui UBI for the environment

Electricity certified as 100% from renewable sorces


One Kiss One Euro fundraising campaign for infant nutrition projects in Uganda by CESVI

CSR and sustainability assessment with Vigeo

Best Place for Green Award from Demoskopea and AzzeroCO2


Adoption of a new Charter of Values

Adoption of an environmental policy

The CESVI sUBIto fundraising campaign for Bangladesh

The Qui UBI marketing campaign for the environment with the WWF

The Oscar di Bilancio – financial reporting Oscar – from FERPI 


Adoption of an armaments policy

Start of a three year cycle of meetings with stakeholders on the Social Report and social responsibility