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Feed Rss - Real time information

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Last update on 24/05/2021 12:54:24




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Feed Rss - Real time information

Suddering information in real time about the contents provided on UBI Banca are now avaiable through RSS system. RSS system is an easy and covenient way to keep yourself informed about UBI Banca in real time.

Thanks to feed and RSS, it is possible to receive updates on the latest news deported on the web site directly on your PC, even if you are working on other files or your are visiting other sites.

In particular, UBI Banca delivers through RSS:

How it works

To access to RSS contents you need an internet connection and a special program called "Aggregator". You can easily and quicly install this program. In order to use the feed:

  • choose the RSS-type link given above you are interested in
  • click the right button of your mouse on this link
  • choose copy link
  • paste it the special field of your aggregator

You can sign a large amount of these "Aggegators" in the net. Here we suggest some of them: