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Last update on 24/05/2021 12:54:24






The Sustainability Report provides stakeholders with an overall picture of those  operating and financial results presented in detail in the annual financial report, from the viewpoint of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR). With the Group Sustainability Report, UBI Banca continues the commitment to accountability to stakeholders already carried on by BPU Banca and Banca Lombarda e Piemontese: the UBI Banca Social Report is now in its fifteenth edition, since the first edition published by the former Banca Popolare di Bergamo-Credito Varesino, added to the former Banca Lombarda Social Report in 2003.


Notes on the method

The 2015 Sustainability Report has been prepared according to the table of contents of version G4 of the Guidelines for Sustainability Reporting and the Financial Services Sector Disclosures (issued in 2013 by the Global Reporting Initiative). Account was also taken when defining the specific contents of the various indicators of the guidelines formulated by the Italian Banking Association in the documents “Reporting to Stakeholders. A Guide for Banks” (2006) and “Guidelines on the Application in Banks of Environmental Indicators of GRI version G4” (2014) and rules for periodic “Communication on Progress” required by the Global Compact of all the organisations which have signed the compact.

Two options are available for documents prepared according to GRI-G4 guidelines, “core” and “comprehensive” depending on the breadth of the reporting. UBI Banca has chosen the “in accordance-comprehensive” option.



As with previous reports, the 2015 Sustainability Report has been audited by an independent entity. The independent auditors Deloitte & Touche S.p.A., also engaged for the audit of the separate and consolidated financial statements of UBI Banca, were appointed for the period 2012-2020. The auditor also verifies the option declared by the bank for the application of the GRI model.


Financial statements
Access the financial statements of the UBI Banca Group