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2012 - P&L and structure highlights

The effect of the Purchase Price Allocation on the 2012 reclassified income statement was 34.6 million euro. It was allocated as follows: -37 million euro on net interest income, -20.1 million euro on net impairment losses on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, +18.9 million on taxes and +3.6 million on profit attributable to minorities. The items in the table below already include the Purchase Price Allocation.

The regulatory provisions published by the CICR (interministerial committee for credit and saving) on 4th

July 2012 (pursuant to article 117-bis of the consolidated banking act) required a revision of the commission regime applied to customers who are past due, with the application of a commission, proportionate to the actual cost incurred by the Bank to manage past due positions, with a fixed price, entitled a commissione di istruttoria veloce(fast credit processing fee - FPF), which is different for consumer and non-consumer customers. The new regime came into force with effect from 1st July for new customers and from 1st October 2012 for customers already existing as at 30th  June 2012. In consideration of the nature of the FPF (related to neither the amount past due, nor the time past due and basically the same as a recovery of expenses), the relative income from the fee is recognised within item 220 “other net operating income/expense”. In order to ensure consistent reporting, a reclassification was performed in the income statement with the transfer of amounts relating (mainly) to the previous past due penalty out of net interest income and into other operating income. It follows that the comparative figures presented are different from those  previously published.






UBI Banca Group - Consolidated reclassified economical data (million euro)

                                      31/12/2012          30/09/2012             30/06/2012              31/03/2012  

Operating Income3,5262,6351,796934

of which: Net Interest Income1,8641,446980493

of which: Net Commission Income1,182872586299

Operating Costs(2,267)(1,704)(1,141)(589)

of which: Staff Costs(1,374)(1,049)(693)(364)

Profit on Continuing Operations before taxes323374249208

Profit (loss) for the period83223160105

Gruppo UBI Banca - Structural data (number)

                                    31/12/2012            30/09/2012              30/06/2012           31/03/2012     

Total workforce19,08619,21419,30619,379

Branches in Italy1,7271,7991,8011,800

Financial Advisors672696693700

UBI Banca Schemes