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Last update on 26/10/2021 14:37:46




2006 - Balance sheet highlights

The merger between BPU Banca and Banca Lombarda for the creation of UBI Banca was announced in November 2006 and became effective on April 1st, 2007. The first available pro-forma financial highlights referring to UBI Banca are those as at December 31st, 2006. Please refer to the Historical Documentation section to view the Financial Highlights relating to BPU Banca and Banca Lombarda prior to the announcement.

The reclassified pro-forma balance sheet for 2006 incorporate the calculation and allocation of merger differences, as well as the impacts of the PPA, in the same terms and in the same amount as performed for the financial statements for 2007. Furthermore, the balance sheet data in the table below include the amounts relating to the branches sold in 2007 (61 branches sold to Banca Popolare di Vicenza and 15 branches sold to Banca Popolare Pugliese).


UBI Banca Group - Reclassified consolidated balance sheet data
(in millions of euro)

                     31 Dec 2006

Total Assets


Net Loans and advances to Customers


Direct funding from customers


Indirect funding from customers


of which: AUM


Total funding from customers


Net worth (excluding profit or the period)


UBI Banca Schemes