This section is for communications with the press and media. Our objective is to co-operate professionally and actively to provide prompt and clear information on news concerning our Group.
The information is updated constantly and our press office is always available for further requests for information (see press contacts).
15/12/14 11:55
UBI Banca awards two scholarships for a masters course on international co-operation and law at the Pontifical Lateran University
The scholarships fully cover the expenses for taking part on the course for a total of €5,000. Applications must be received by 2nd January 2015.
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28/11/14 14:30
Pro Brixia and UBI Banca: business mission in India to accompany a group of businesses from Brescia, Bergamo and Mantua
A multi-sector business tour leaves for India on Saturday 29 November, organised by the Brescia Chamber of Commerce’s “Special Firm” and by the banking Group with the support of Promos, the Milan Chamber of Commerce’s “Special Firm” for international activities.
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28/11/2014 11:30
UBI Banca awarded “Bank of the year in Italy” accolade by The Banker’s international jury
This acknowledgement rewards the bank for the results it has achieved in shoring up its balance sheet, lowering its risk profile, controlling its costs and innovating its products.
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24/11/2014 14:30
UBI Banca presents a social bond, part of the income from which will go to the Federazione Italiana per il Superamento dell’Handicap (FISH – Italian Federation for Overcoming Handicap)
FISH, the umbrella organisation for associations most active in promoting the rights of persons with disabilities, will receive 0.50% of the face value of the bonds. It has an estimated 13,000 direct beneficiaries. The securities will be placed at UBI Banca Group branches from 24th November 2014 until 31stDecember 2014.
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18/11/2014 10:30
UBI Banca and Adiconsum Lombardy (a consumers and environmental association) sign a memorandum of intent
UBI Banca and Adiconsum Lombardy have signed a memorandum of intent to promote financial education initiatives in Lombardy designed to equip citizens to make aware decisions on savings and investment, because they are based on knowledge and information, by using primary and effective tools for self protection.
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30/10/2014 13:30
UBI Banca races with the AIRC (Italian Cancer Research Association) for research
As a partner in the “Research Days” project, the banking group involves employees, branches and customers in a series of special new initiatives to support this project for young researchers.
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29/10/2014 14:45
UBI Banca races with the AIRC (Italian Cancer Research Association)
for research in a charity relay to finance young researchers that starts in Turin
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28/10/2014 11:00
UBI World Open Day, over 500 companies are expected for the two days dedicated to internationalisation
The fourth edition of this appointment organised by the banking group will be held on 29th and 30th October at the Kilometro Rosso Technological Scientific Park of Bergamo to meet the world of industry to illustrate, discuss and examine the main strategic and operational issues connected with the expansion of companies abroad.
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22/10/2014 16:50
Donation of organs: UBI Banca supports AIDO Lombardia
UBI Banca and AIDO Lombardia report a further development in their partnership, started back in 1975, with the issue of the prepaid card “Enjoy UBI Community Special Edition AIDO”. It is especially for members, supporters and those in general who believe in the values of the Association in order to promote a culture of organ donation.
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22/10/2014 16:00
UBI Banca adheres to the italian responsible payments code
The banking Group has signed up to the first code of conduct in Italy on the issue of regular payments promoted by Assolombarda (Lombard employers’ association) to encourage a culture of prompt payment in business. UBI is also making special offers available to SMEs and large corporate clients that sign up to the code.
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10/10/2014 10:00
The UBI Banca share now forms part of the FTSE4Good Global and FTSE4Good Europe indices
Since September 2014, the UBI Banca share has been included among those shares that form part of the FTSE4Good Global and the FTSE4Good Europe indices, two of the indices that belong to the family of financial instruments launched in 2001 to offer “Environmental, Social and Governance” (ESG) investors a series of trading benchmarks and indices.
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22/09/2014 11:30
UBI Banca presents a social bond, part of the income from which will go to the Pope John XXIII Community Association
The “A Meal a Day” project, with which the Pope John XXIII Community provides hospitality and food to thousands of people throughout Italy, will receive 0.50% of the face value of the bonds.
The securities will be placed at UBI Banca Group branches from 22nd September 2014 until 31st October 2014.
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21/07/2014 11:00
UBI Banca and 3 Italia launch a Mobile POS terminal service with reduced charges
The first solution is launched which knocks down the costs for those compliant with the new regulations for electronic payments.
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10/07/2014 14:30
UBI Banca presents an app which can be used to transfer money to another person by using a smartphone
Bergamo is the first Italian city to experiment with the transfer of funds between individuals thanks to the UBI Pay app, which includes a federated wallet service for online purchases and enables smart phones even for NFC payments.
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01/07/2014 11:30
UBI Banca presents a social bond, part of the income from which will go to the Rita-Levi Montalcini Foundation Onlus
The foundation’s projects for the education of African women will receive 0.50% of the face value of the bonds. The securities will be placed by UBI Banca Group branches from 1st July until 13th August.
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30/06/2014 11:00
The “start-up finance” offer continues. 579 new businesses have been formed since the launch of the initiative around one year ago
This product offered by UBI Banca since May 2013 involves the grant of loans to start-up businesses with no sectors barred. Loans for €15.2 million approved in the first year. Around 45% of the total accounting for 259 loans went to start-ups run by women.
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19/06/2014 15:00
UBI Banca: €100 million to 900 young couples with an “atypical” employment contract in just one year
An extraordinary response on the part of the younger generations for a first mortgage specially designed for the under 39s with no permanent employment guarantee.
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Press release
With regard to the court action initiated by the shareholder Jannone and others taken against the resolution to appoint the Supervisory Board approved by the UBI Banca shareholders’ meeting held on 20th April 2013, the Investigating Magistrate, dott. Bonofiglio, having come to a decision following the hearing of 5th June last, recognised the relevance of the preliminary question raised by UBI Banca, which had objected that the parties lacked the legitimate right to challenge that resolution.
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04/06/2014 11:30
UBI World: UBI Banca for SME exports and internationalisation
Italian small to medium-size businesses that are active abroad achieve better results than those that operate on the domestic market only.
UBI Banca offers strategic and operational advisory services and specific products for businesses that wish to develop a presence on foreign markets or strengthen an existing presence.
UBI Banca offers its services as a partner for businesses with 200 specialists operating in 32 Foreign Centres to support the 60,000 corporate clients of the UBI Group in their export and internationalisation programmes, from a starting base of 11,500 businesses already active abroad.
The performances of corporate clients are polarised: on the one hand there are those with the best performance, already active abroad, linked to the international business cycle and on the other, those still in difficulty, many of which operate solely on the home market.
Italian exports were worth almost €390 billion in 2013.
Between 2003 and 2013 the value of exports to non-European Union countries rose from less than 37% to over 46% of total Italian exports.
Important opportunities exist for businesses to grasp with exports and internationalisation, especially in specific sectors which range from foodstuffs to machinery and from textiles to chemicals.
A study by SACE shows that, with the exception of the United Kingdom, the top 10 markets on which growth in Italian exports are expected are all outside the European Union.
UBI Banca, with assistance from the expertise and IT platform of the specialist GoToWorld consortium, provides advisory services in three stages:
- company check up
- analysis of potential export markets
- preparation of an operational plan to go international in the most promising country.
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Micromegas and UBI Banca present Nibiru Planet
The first Italian “edutainment” technology park has been born in Brescia thanks to the involvement of public sector institutions and private sector partners
Nibiru Planet will be inaugurated on 21st March 2015, the first technology Park in Italy for children and young people between the ages of six and sixteen and for families owned by a Newco 70% controlled by Micromegas Comunicazione and in which the UBI Banca Group holds a 30% stake.
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28/05/2014 15:00
The first edition of the Global Transaction Seminar in Brescia: three days and 13 workshops for banking professionals from emerging Countries
Participants arrived from Nigeria, Bangladesh, India Russia and Sri Lanka to learn and exchange knowledge on operational capacities, knowledge, organisational units and service models. The meeting was organised by UBI Banca on the subjects of correspondent banking and it was aimed at representatives from a selected Group of nations of growing importance for the international business of Italian companies.
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28/05/2014 12:00
UBI Banca places its fiftieth Social Bond over €500 million of funding acquired in two years
Over €2.5 million donated to charity since March 2012. Over 20,000 customers have invested their savings to obtain remuneration at market interest rates, associated with the chance to support concrete, high social impact, projects.
A little more than due years since the launch of the first UBI Community social bond, the Bank has placed its fiftieth bond and acquired over €500 million of funding. In two years charitable donations of over €2.5 million have been made to support third sector organisations and cultural and church-related institutions and a pool of €19.5 million has been created to grant loans.
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20/05/2014 15:30
UBI Banca presents Flexible Mortgage: the new mortgage that you can set on pause
The UBI Banca family of products has expanded and now offers a new loan which allows repayments to be suspended twice for 18 months and guarantees an initial reply in 24 hours
UBI Banca is now offering a new mortgage, especially designed for all those who seek flexibility and speed. It is these two features which form the basis of the design for the new Flexible Mortgage loan, which allows repayments to be suspended or reduced and guarantees an initial reply within the following 24 hours.
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14/04/2014 15:30
UBI Banca presents a social bond, part of the income from which will go to the Region of Lombardy Caritas Delegation
 | The project “Contamination – Social Voluntary Work Year” will receive 0.50% of the face value of the bonds. This initiative offers young people an annual experience of training and welfare commitment to help disadvantaged persons and those in need. The securities will be placed at UBI Banca Group branches from 14th April until 30th May.
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10/04/2014 16:30
Three centres for women who are victims of violence will be set up by Intervita thanks to UBI Banca social bonds
On 7th April the Italian nonprofit sector held an hour-long discussion live on Facebook with the companies that support them during the course of a presentation by Sodalitas Social Innovation, a programme conceived of by the Sodalitas Foundation in which the UBI Banca Group has taken part since the first edition.
The initiative is designed to improve the planning capacities of the third sector and to promote for profit-nonprofit partnerships. In the previous edition in 2013 Intervita won the UBI Banca Special Prize which allowed this nonprofit organisation to benefit from the bank’s funding, made possible by the issuance of a social Bond, for the creation of three “SOStegno Donna” (SOS woman support) centres for the victims of violence in three Italian hospitals.
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UBI Banca: a special prize for the Enjoy Ski card in the second edition of the Innov@Retail Award
The prize was awarded by Accenture during the ceremony held at the Milan headquarters of "Il Sole 24 Ore" newspaper and went to this customer application which turns an innovative payment instrument into a ski pass for ski lifts at major ski resorts.
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UBI Banca and Intervita present a social bond the proceeds from which will go to the nonprofit organisation (Onlus)
The project “WORDS ARE NO LONGER ENOUGH” designed to educate people on the subject of violence to women and to create “SOStegno Donna” (SOS woman support) centres inside hospitals will receive 0.50% of the face value of the bonds. The securities will be placed at UBI Banca Group branches from 14th February until 31st March.
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€350 million provided for SMEs, Midcaps, Start-ups and youth employment by the EIB and the UBI Banca Group
With the conclusion of a credit line agreement to support youth employment, the number of medium to long-term lending agreements to support Italian companies signed in the last quarter between the European Investment Bank and UBI Banca Group has now risen to three for a total of €350 million.
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 | Security, multichannel use, speed and social functionality are the preferred features. This is what emerged from a a survey of prepaid payment card users that was conducted. Launched in November 2013 it was an immediate success, with over 13,000 cards issued in two months, partly the result of an advertising promotion on Facebook.
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