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Press    Press 2017

This section is for communications with the press and media. Our objective is to co-operate professionally and actively to provide prompt and clear information on news concerning our Group. 
The information is updated constantly and our press office is always available for further requests for information (see press contacts).





Agreement between UBI Banca and the Varese Confartigianato (artisans’ association) for a welfare platform specially designed for local smes 


This partnership offers tailor-made company welfare solutions for around nine thousand small and medium-size firms in the Province of Varese and in Lomellina designed to increase the productivity of these firms and the well-being of their workers


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UBI Banca grants a loan for €60 million to Ansaldo Energia


This is the first of the Bank’s transactions in connection with a SIMEST (CDP Group) equity investment to support this company’s internationalisation project by making, amongst other things, a contribution to the interest payments.


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UBI Banca issues the social bond “UBI Comunità per AIRC”, the proceeds of which will help support young talented cancer researchers


The research projects entitled “My first AIRC Grant” will receive 0.50% of the face value of the bonds. The Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC – Italian Association for Research into Cancer) will report the results achieved, measured on the basis of specific indicators linked, amongst other things, to scientific papers published by the research workers. 


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UBI Banca and Cesvi together to help minors who are victims of abuse


The Bank supports the birth in Bergamo of the Cesvi NGO project “A happy childhood: counselling, protection and inclusion for children and families”. More than 300 child and family member beneficiaries. 


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UBI Banca and the Cuneo Confindustria (confederation of industry) come together to promote company welfare



This partnership offers tailor-made company welfare solutions for local firms and for the well-being of their workers to over 1,000 member companies 



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UBI Banca and Credito Sportivo finance the new Atalanta stadium


Over €24 million to allow the Azzurri d’Italia stadium to be acquired from the City of Bergamo and to then be modernised 


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Green building: agreement between UBI Banca and Federlegnoarredo



Consultancy, mortgages and loans to firms in the timber sector who operate on the basis of the S.A.L.E protocol (Sistema Affidabilità Legno Edilizia – Timber Building Reliability System) 



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UBI Banca and the Bari and Barletta-Andria-Trani Confindustria (Confederation of Industry) come together to promote company welfare


This partnership offers tailor-made company welfare solutions for local firms and for the well-being of their workers to over 700 member companies 


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UBI Banca-AIRC Partnership: over €4 million raised for cancer research since 2013


This partnership, which has been renewed until 2019, has succeeded in raising funds over the years with the "I giorni della Ricerca” (“Research Days”) campaign and with support for the AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research) by means of two social bonds, donations from customers and employees and the waiver of fees for use of the Carta Enjoy social edition payment card.  


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Facebook confirms the success of UBI Banca’s campaigns on Instagram.

Videos to advertise the Hybrid credit card improve number of accesses to online contents and recall.


A study organised by Facebook’s European Headquarters made a very positive assessment of the effectiveness of UBI Banca’s use of Instagram “stories” to capture the attention of a young audience. 


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UBI Banca confirms its commitment to support the Third Sector.

The Bank is ready to grasp the opportunities offered by the reform of the sector to consolidate its product range for social enterprises



UBI Banca, which has a specific business area that specialises in nonprofits and the social economy, has submitted an application to adhere to the agreement between the Ministry for Economic Development, the Italian Banking Association and the Cassa Deposito e Prestiti (CDP – state controlled fund and deposit institution) to grant subsidised loans to social co-operatives and social enterprises. This is an innovative initiative for the sector, in which a bank loan is accompanied by subsidised finance, which draws on a Revolving Fund to support investments in research managed by the CDP. 


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UBI Banca presents “Trust in Life”, a project that implements the “During and after us” law. A means of transport is donated to the Gaslini Hospital


A convention, opened by  Frederik Geertman, UBI Chief Commercial Officer and by Pietro Pongiglione, President of the Giannina Gaslini Institute (a leading paediatric hospital), examine new developments regarding Law No. 112/2016 and the opportunities offered by an initiative organised by the Bank in co-operation with Anffas (national association for families of persons with mental and relationship difficulties) and CGM (consortium of co-operatives). 


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UBI Banca allocates a budget of €20 million to help businesses and families hit by flooding in the province of Livorno


UBI Banca has decided to defer repayments on mortgages and loans for up to a maximum of twelve months and to create a loan pool of €20 million to provide support following the flooding that affected various parts of Tuscany and the Province of Livorno in particular.


This sum is for use by families, individuals, firms, farms and very small businesses which need to repair and replace damaged goods and assets. This credit will be granted in the form of medium to long-term unsecured loans at particularly low interest rates and with no charges for processing the loan applications. 


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Confindustria (confederation of industry) and UBI Banca come together for innovation and the digital transformation of businesses


A memorandum of intent was signed today by the President of Confindustria, Vincenzo Boccia, and the Chairwoman of UBI Banca’s Management Board, Letizia Moratti, to support businesses committed to innovation in digital transformation processes and to promote their growth in size and access to capital markets. Frederik Geertman, Chief Commercial Officer and Deputy General Manager of UBI Banca also attended the presentation of the agreement together with Giulio Pedrollo, the Vice President of Confindustria for Industrial Policies, Elio Catania, the President of Confindustria Digitale and Matteo Zanetti, the President of the Confindustria’s Tecnico Credito e Finanza Group. 


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UBI Banca issues the Social Bond “UBI Comunità per la Fondazione L'Albero della Vita onlus” (“UBI Comunità for the Tree of Life Foundation) and helps implement the “Varcare la Soglia” (Cross the Threshold) project. 


0.50% of the face value of the bonds will go to support activities designed to improve the overall well-being of families in Italy suffering from severe poverty. The project involves measurement of the social benefit generated by means of SROI. 


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Energy efficiency and low environmental impact: UBI revolutionises its branches and makes them sustainable


The first bank in Italy to invest in the installation of intelligent domotics in 1,900 branches. Consumption and costs are reduced, while security at the workplace is increased by using one of the largest cloud systems ever created. 


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UBI Banca issues the Social Bond “UBI Comunità per la Lega del Filo d’Oro” (UBI Comunità for the League of the Golden Thread) and contributes to the implementation of the project “Vicini a chi non vede e non sente” (Close to those who neither see nor hear)


0.50% of the face value of the bonds will go to support a project to implement social, educational and community services provided by the association to help deafblind persons and their families. The project involves measurement (SROI) of the social benefit generated by these activities. 


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UBI Banca becomes an official sponsor of the Italian Basketball Federation


UBI Banca has signed an agreement with the Italian Basketball Federation (FIP) to become an official sponsor. The partnership will last two years during which UBI will be at the side of the Federation for its main events starting with the national “Streetball” finals (three a side basketball), which will be held at Riccione from 28th to 30th July.



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“ENJOY NBA” - UBI Banca brings championship basketball to Brescia

The partnership with NBA is consolidated 


The United States National Basketball Association and the Italian Banking Group announce this spectacular outdoor event for 4th September with a world basketball star. 



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UBI Banca founding supporter of the La Scala opera house 


The La Scala opera house and UBI Banca announce the entrance of the banking Group to the small circle of the “Founding Supporters” of this milanese cultural institution. The agreement was concluded following the co-option by a General Meeting of the Teatro alla Scala di Milano Foundation, presided by its president and Mayor of the City Giuseppe Sala. 


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UBI Banca is Sponsor for Atalanta Bergamasca Football Club starting 2017-2018


A three-year contract is signed between the Banking Group and this football club which will be playing in the next Serie A championship as well as in the Europa League.  The Bank will be the Official Atalanta Bank and the main sponsor for the Primavera (youth) team. The partnership involves a series of joint initiatives starting with the launch of the Hybrid Atalanta credit card which will allow holders to receive an official shirt of the nerazzurro (black-and-blue) club. 

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UBI Banca launches Trust in Life: The first multi-beneficiary trust for the “During and After Us” law


A memorandum of intent signed with Anffas and CGM to implement projects to support persons with serious disabilities and their families


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UBI Banca together with San Patrignano for “Let’s put our heart into it”: raising funds for an educational project to reach 50,000 young people 


UBI Banca works alongside the San Patrignano Community for the “Let’s put our heart into it” initiative, in order to raise funds for the WeFree project. Each year this project involves fifty thousand students throughout Italy in activity to promote healthy living styles and prevent drug addiction by means of events in schools, theatres and within the San Patrignano Community itself, by bringing the stories and direct experiences of those housed in this community to them directly.


UBI Banca branches will be publicising the initiative and receiving donations to support the project from 26th June until 2nd July. Those who make a donation of at least €10.00 will receive a chili pepper, a symbol of a passion and a taste for life, together with a recipe from one of the four star chefs taking part in the project: Davide Oldani, Igles Corelli, Rosanna Marziale and Gualtiero Marchesi. 


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UBI Banca and the Pavia Confindustria (confederation of industry) sign a memorandum of understanding on Company Welfare and an “Industry 4.0” Credit Agreement to support development and innovation


An important alliance to promote a local welfare ecosystem along with an agreement to finance innovation drawing from a €500 million national loan pool.


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VI Edition of the UBI Banca Observatory on “Finance and the Third Sector” 


With technical assistance fromAICCON (Italian Association for the promotion of a co-operation and nonprofit culture) UBI Banca presents the sixth edition of the UBI Banca Observatory on “Finance and the Third Sector” formed with the objective of continuously monitoring the state of progress and development of the financial requirements of the various organisations that make up the Third Sector.



For the sixth consecutive year, observation of the main legally approved types of nonprofit organisations is continuing, commenced in 2011 with an annual analysis of social co-operatives and added to over the years with a focus on associations (2012), foundations (2013), social enterprises with the legal form of a limited liability company (2014) and hybrid organisations with co-operative origins (2015).


The sixth edition of the survey, which covers 2016, involved the analysis of a sample conducted by administering a survey questionnaire to the managers of 250 social co-operatives and of consortia of social co-operatives and of 100 large-size associations in terms of revenue (higher than €50 thousand). 


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UBI Top Private is launched, the Private Banking Division for clients with financial wealth of over one million euro


Among the first five operators in Italy by volumes of business, it has over €32 billion of assets under management acquired by 240 Relationship Managers, a team of high-level professionals destined to grow by over 20% in the next three years. 


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Group Senior Management Road Show to celebrate the Anniversary with an eye to future challenges

The senior management of the UBI Banca Group will meet shareholders, customers and representatives of institutions at a series of meetings organised by the Bank between 3rd and 13th April.

This cycle of events will be an opportunity to celebrate ten years of UBI Banca also with a view to current and future challenges facing the Group.

Following what is now well-established practice, the purpose of the meetings is to update shareholders and local communities on the main strategic policies pursued by the Group and this time with particular reference to aspects of the implementation of the 2019/2020 Business Plan.


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UBI Banca issues the social bond “UBI Comunità per Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla Onlus” (AISM - Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association Charity) and supports a project for the rehabilitation of persons with MS who have difficulty in walking



The AISM project to support rehabilitation activities and to support secondary progressive MS (SP-MS) will receive 0.50% of the face value of the bonds. 


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UBI Banca: €500 million to support investments in r&d and innovation as part of “Industria 4.0”


The UBI Banca Group has approved a €500 million loan pool available to companies that invest in R&D and innovation. 








Business-nonprofit partnership: UBI Banca with the Sodalitas Foundation for social innovation


The Sodalitas Foundation presented the six best projects today selected by “Sodalitas Social Innovation”, which made a call for ideas addressed to the Italian third sector. UBI Banca will support the Seneca Association to improve health and welfare for elderly people discharged from hospital and the Albero della Vita Foundation to tackle the dramatic problem of juvenile poverty.



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UBI Banca and the FAI (Italian National Trustpresent “UBI Comunità for FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano”



The FAI will receive 0.50% of the face value of this new social bond to support the project “Restoration of the Salone Impero in Villa Panza at Varese”. The bonds will be placed at branches of UBI Banca, as the placement agent, from 8th February until 6th March 2017. 


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UBI Banca: new appointments and smart working hours on the increase in 2016

The results achieved by the Group helped UBI Banca take its place in the “Top Employer” category for the third consecutive year 


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See infografic 1


See infografic 2




UBI Banca presents  the UBI Comunità Social Bond dedicated to the Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences at Brescia University


UBI Banca issued the social bond for a total amount of €5 million, of which 0.50% of the nominal amount placed will constitute a charitable donation to the Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences at Brescia University.

The amount donated will be used to support experimental research, by means of a specific scholarship grant, entitled “Associating tumour cells with ICG for intraoperative detection of peritoneal occult cancer seeding”, with the objective of associating gastric tumour cells with a colourant (indocyanine green), detectable during surgery thanks to a fluorescent video camera.  



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Mille Miglia: in the year of its ninetieth anniversary, the thirty-fifth edition of the re-evocation of the race created in 1927 was presented, the race that Enzo Ferrari called “a unique travelling museum”

Huge enthusiasm and vastly increased participation requests: 695 participation requests from 41 Countries in 5 Continents.


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