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Press    Press 2016

This section is for communications with the press and media. Our objective is to co-operate professionally and actively to provide prompt and clear information on news concerning our Group. 
The information is updated constantly and our press office is always available for further requests for information (see press contacts).






“BED AND CARE” e “SMART DONOR”  are awarded €160 thousand in the competition  “WELFARE, WHAT A BUSINESS !”  


The social enterprise start-ups were selected by a jury composed of Diana Bracco (Bracco Foundation), Mario Calderini (Milan Polytechnic - Tiresia), Vincenzo Linarello (Goel - Co-operative Group), Stefano Mainetti (PoliHub), Victor Massiah (UBI Banca), Paolo Venturi (AICCON), Diego Visconti (Accenture Italian Foundation)


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SMART DONOR della start up innovativa a vocazione sociale Moodika


“Bed and Care” was rewarded the best project in Northern and Central Italy




UBI Banca’s Easy City receives prize at the 2016 MF Innovation Awards



The banking Group receives recognition in the non-financial, digital and other services category thanks to this service which reinvents how we shop with the UBI PAY app 


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The new school at Acquasanta Terme is inaugurated


The project was implemented thanks to a contribution made UBI Banca in conjunction with the Confederation of the Misericordie d’Italia voluntary associations and the municipality in co-ordination with the Ministry of Education and with work by the Italian Army and by Subissati srl. It replaces the previous school buildings declared unsafe following the earthquake that hit on 24th August this year. 


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The inauguration of the new school in Acquasanta Terme




UBI Pramerica SGR embraces a new social project and starts the placement of ubi Sicav Social 4 future – class 1


UBI Banca and UBI Pramerica SGR will donate, respectively, 4% of subscription fees and 4% of management fees generated in 2017 to support the project “Costruire Integrazione” promoted by Associazione Centro Astalli. Forecasted SROI (Social Return on Investment) equals 4,59 euro.


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UBI Banca issues the Social Bond “UBI Comunità per Confederazione Nazionale delle Misericordie d'Italia” (UBI Comunità for the National Confederation of the Misericordie d’Italia voluntary associations) and contributes towards the construction of a new anti-seismic school at Acquasanta Terme, a town hit by the earthquake of 24th August.



A project to build a new school for the children of Acquasanta Terme, constructed using anti-seismic and high energy efficiency technology will benefit from 0.50% of the nominal value of the bonds. Completion of the works is forecast for the end of November. 



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The new school under construction in Acquasanta Terme



24/10/2016  11:30

UBI Banca supports the construction of a new school at Acquasanta Terme hit by the earthquake with the collaboration of the National Confederation of the Misericordie d’Italia


In co-ordination with the Ministry of Education, the banking group signed an agreement with the Misericordie d’Italia voluntary associations and the municipality in order to provide this village located in the Marches Region with a new nursery and primary school to replace the previous schools declared unsafe following the recent earthquake. 


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Le fondamenta della nuova scuola in costruzione


The foundations of the new school under construction





UBI Banca and internationalisation: the Group took part in the Italy-South Africa summit


The third edition of this initiative organised by “The European House – Ambrosetti” was held in Johannesburg on 18th and 19th October. The Speakers included Luca Monti, Head of Private and Corporate who spoke of the strong expansion in UBI’s international activities to support even medium-sized companies.


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06/10/2016  16:30

UBI Banca’s “Donate one day” scheme wins the “Banca e Territorio” (bank and the community) prize as the best project in the “initiatives of a social nature” category

The award was collected by Riccardo Tramezzani during the annual event organised by the Associazione Italiana Financial Innovation (AIFIn - Italian Financial Innovation Association)


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21/09/2016  13:00

UBI Banca Official Bank for Volley Bergamo Foppapedretti


The banking Group has signed a partnership agreement with the Bergamo team which involves annual sponsorship of the first-team in addition to retail banking initiatives designed to create synergies between the brands 


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14/09/2016  11:00

“Bank, community, development” - roadshow for group senior management to present the business plan


This initiative involves seven events to be held in Milan, Brescia, Jesi, Bergamo, Varese, Pavia and Cuneo.


Andrea Moltrasio, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Letizia Moratti, Chairwoman of the Management Board, and Victor Massiah, Chief Executive Officer of the UBI Banca Group will meet shareholders, customers and representatives of institutions at a series of meetings organised by the Bank between 21st September and 10th October. 


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02/09/2016  15:00

Nba and UBI Banca announce multiyear partnership in italy


The National Basketball Association (NBA) and UBI Banca, one of Italy’s leading banks, announced today a multiyear marketing partnership that makes UBI Banca the exclusive retail banking partner of the NBA in Italy and the league’s first financial services partner in the country.


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Nella foto, da sinistra: Benjamin Morel, EMEA Senior Vice President & Managing Director di NBA, Danilo Gallinari dei Denver Nuggets e Victor Massiah, CEO di UBI Banca


From the left: Benjamin Morel, EMEA Senior Vice President & Managing Director di NBA, Danilo Gallinari (Denver Nuggets) and Victor Massiah, UBI Banca CEO  




UBI Banca’s employees donate over 2,800 days of vacation over three years by choosing the charity project entitled “Donate one day”


After an initial pilot stage in 2014, this initiative has involved over 70 nonprofit organisations throughout Italy over the last two years. In 2016 1,245 employees were involved and the bank made charitable donations of €124,500 to NPOs. The Touring Club Italiano is the organisation that obtained the largest number of volunteers. 


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04/07/2016  14:00

MIPAAF – UBI Banca: memorandumof intent signed

€2 billion to food and agricultural firms for the period 2016-2018



The banking Group makes financial instruments and expertise available to facilitate access to credit and support the national and international growth of firms in a sector that is fundamental to the Italian economy


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The memorandum of intent is signed Maurizio Martina, the Minister of Agriculture, and by Andrea Moltrasio, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of UBI Banca



08/06/2016  17:00

Welfare and startups, €160 thousand to be won for the best high social impact projects for the community 


It is possible to launch new welfare models. How? By bringing the community back to the centre of the system. This is the objective of the ideas competition entitled “Welfare what an enterprise!”, aimed at young social start-ups called on to present innovative projects with a high social impact, capable of generating local development. 


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08/06/2016  12:00

UBI World Open Day, registrations are now open for two days of internationalisation for companies 


The UBI World Open Day is here again, the fourth edition of this appointment which the UBI Banca Group dedicates to important issues for Italian companies that “go international”. This free-of-charge event, open to all, is designed for all those companies that either already operate abroad or operate on the home market only, but plan to launch on international markets.


The two-day event will take place on 15th and 16th June at the Mille Miglia Museumin Brescia. The 2016 edition, which follows on from the two previous events held in Milan in 2012 and in Bergamo in 2014, bears witness to the growing demand for information from companies seen both in the higher number of registrations for the event and in the requests for further information and knowledge of the subjects on the programme. 



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23/05/2016  16:00

UBI Sicav Social 4 Future: €280 million placed in two months 


UBI Sicav Social 4 Future  – Class A is a balanced bond sub-fund which invests following ethical and social responsibility principles and is managed by UBI Pramerica SGR, an asset management company formed as a joint venture between the UBI Banca Group and Pramerica Financial. It has achieved an optimum return with customers having recorded around €280 million of subscriptions in the placement period which ended on 1st February 2016. 



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13/05/2016  12:00

UBI Banca issues the Social Bond UBI Comunità per Save the Children” which will help with work to fight the educational poverty of children and adolescents. 


The results achieved, including the social impact results, will be reported using SROI calculation methods. At the end of the project and following a survey carried out in the relative local communities, Save the Children will report the social impact results achieved in terms of lower expenses incurred by the families of the children and adolescents who take part in the “Points of Light ” and by the local authorities for the services, the beneficiaries of which may use the social and educational activities for children free of charge for one year.


The bonds, issued by UBI Banca have a minimum subscription price of €1,000, a life of three years, half yearly coupons and a gross annual yield of 0.80%. They may be subscribed from 13th May 2016 until 30th June 2016, unless the offer period is closed early or extended. 


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15/04/2016  14:45

UBI Banca presents UBI Money, to manage your savings and to invest wisely


For the first time customers have the chance to use a single online service that provides them with real time reports on their financial wealth, tailor-made recommendations from their account managers and highly evolved functions to programme their savings and their expenditure 


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30/03/2016  11:30

Fifth edition of the “UBI Banca observatory on finance and the third sector”


UBI Banca with technical assistance from AICCON (Italian Association for the promotion of a co-operation and nonprofit culture) presents the fifth edition of the “UBI Banca Observatory on Finance and the Third Sector” formed with the objective of continuously monitoring the state of progress and development of third sector financial requirements.



For the fifth consecutive year observation of the main legally approved types of nonprofit organisations undertaken is continuing, commenced in 2011 with an analysis of social co-operatives and added to over the years with a focus on associations (2012), foundations (2013) and social enterprises with the legal form of a limited liability company (2014).


The fifth edition of the survey, which covers 2015, was carried out by analysing a sample of organisationsSurvey questionnaires were given to the managers of 250 social co-operatives and social co-operative consortia and of 25 hybrid organisations (i.e. organisations formed by social co-operatives that have a strong business approach and high levels of innovation and also company and legal structures in the form of joint stock companies) all selected from within the CGM Co-operative Group


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22/03/2016  18:00

The UBI Banca 2015 “Donate one day” initiative has received a special mention by the Italian Banking Association 


The Italian Banking Association (ABI) has publicly recognised the value of UBI Banca’s “Donate one Day” project with a special mention in the category “The bank for sustainability” – “Innovate responsibly” Prize of the 2016 ABI Prize for Innovation in Banking Services. 


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Francesco Profumo (left), President o the jury of ABI Prize for Innovation in Banking Services, with Riccardo Tramezzani (right), Retail Manager at UBI Banca



21/03/2016  12:00

UBI Banca inaugurates its office in Dubai: an MoU signed with Etihad Energy Services, subsidiary of Dewa, commences a collaboration


UBI Banca has inaugurated a new representative office in Dubai with an official mission led by Andrea Moltrasio, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. That in the United Arab Emirates, coupled with those in the United States (New York) and Morocco (Casablanca), represents the third official Group opening in the last six months, confirming the strategic importance UBI Banca places on having an international presence to support the business of its corporate clients. 


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03/03/2016  14:30

New appointments at UBI Banca subsidiaries: internal managers are promoted at UBI Leasing and UBI Factor


Marco Castelli designated as General Manager of UBI Factor and Attilio Serioli as General Manager of UBI leasing. 


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25/02/2016  15:00

UBI Banca wins the “Prize of Prizes” thanks to UBI PAY


Bergamo, 25th February 2016 – The Minister of Education, University and Research, Stefania Giannini awarded the “National Prize for Innovation” (known as the “Prize of Prizes”) to the “UBI PAY” project. The prize was presented today in Rome to the UBI Banca Group represented by Ivan Gotti, the Manager of Multichannel Banking, in the Promoteca Room in the Capitoline Palace. 


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16/02/2016  14:00

UBI Banca Group arrives at Casablanca Finance City.

Representative office soon fully operational


UBI Banca Group has obtained an authorization from the Moroccan Central Bank, and acquired the CFC status delivered by the CFC Commission in order to open a representative office in Casablanca Finance City (CFC). This platform, created by Moroccan authorities in 2010, aims to position Casablanca as an important regional financial centre, able to attract international and African companies and constitute a base for the development of their activities in northern, western and central Africa. 


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12/02/2016  12:00

UBI Banca issues the Social Bond “UBI Comunità per Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli” which will help to transform a cinema into a therapeutic experience. The project will last three years and involves measurement (SROI) of the social benefit generated.


Part of the amount placed will go to help create, in co-operation with MediCinema, the first cinema to be installed in a hospital. It is estimated that the project will generate social benefits of around €4.38 for each euro invested. 


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