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Press    Press 2015

This section is for communications with the press and media. Our objective is to co-operate professionally and actively to provide prompt and clear information on news concerning our Group. 
The information is updated constantly and our press office is always available for further requests for information (see press contacts).





09/12/2015  14:30

UBI Pramerica sgr launches the placement of UBI Sicav social 4 future, the new ethical sub-fund from luxembourg-based company UBI Sicav


4% of initial commissions and management commissions will be donated to Charity Associations. In the first year, the donation will be addressed to UNICEF, supporting the “Youth and Innovation” project in Lebanon. On the basis of calculation of the SROI, it is estimated that the project will generate social benefits of around €2.34 for each euro invested.


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30/11/2015  18:30

“Spiru Farm” and the “Vale la pena” (“It’s worth it”) are the start-ups that have won the competition “Cultivate the right idea!” organised by Make a Change and UBI Banca to encourage social entrepreneurship in the food and agricultural sectors. 


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13/11/2015 15:30

UBI Banca presents the first Social Impact Project Finance initiative in Italy


Financing of approximately €8 million to increase assistance for the elderly and to refurbish the Buon Riposo Residential Care Home in Turin. Spread based partly on the achievement of predetermined social objectives.




See infografic 1 >


See infografic 2 >



9/11/2015 15:00

UBI Banca presents a social bond UBI Comunità per AIRC (UBI Community for AIRC). Part of the proceeds will go to support an oncological research programme.


The research projects entitled “My first AIRC Grant” will receive 0.50% of the face value of the bonds. The AIRC will report the results achieved, measured on the basis of specific indicators linked, amongst other things, to scientific papers published by the research workers. 


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23/10/2015  11:25

UBI Banca meets the business community at the Italian consulate in New York


 “A discussion on the internationalisation of Italian Companies” is the title of a meeting that was held at the Italian consulate at 690 Park Avenue to discuss growth prospects for Italian businesses in the current economic period.


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Above, from the right:
Victor Massiah, Chief Executive Officer UBI Banca
Rossella Leidi, Chief Business Officer UBI Banca
Andrea De Benedittis, Correspondent Banking UBI Banca
Andrea Fiano, journalist and  moderator



15/10/2015  14:40 

Appointments at Banco di Brescia and Banca di Valle Camonica


Stefano Vittorio Kuhn is designated Joint General Manager of Banco di Brescia and Marco Franco Nava General Manager of Banca di Valle Camonica.


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5/10/2015  18:00

“Cultivate the right idea” is now in full swing: the ten start-up finalists have been selected.

Prizes at stake: an interest free loan, free financial services and an incubation plan with support from Make a Change and UBI Banca.

The last minute rush is on for the final on 30th November.

Food waste recycling, pet therapy, educational farms, sensors to improve cultivation and clean-up of land confiscated from organised crime, these are just some of the areas in which the ten finalists projects aim to operate selected by “Cultivate the right idea”, the start-up competition promoted by Make a Change and organised this year with UBI Banca.

You can vote online at http://ideagiusta.makeachange.it/vota/ from today until 15th October for the ten projects chosen from 178 candidates who have passed the first round. The Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry policies is patron of the competition and it is supported by Federsolidarietà, Acli Terra, Touring Club Italian, the Manageritalia Voluntary Group and the CGM Consortium.


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14/09/2015  14:40

“UBI Banca tradition and prospects”

a roadshow for senior management of the group to meet registered shareholders


The usual initiative of the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer involves four appointments that will be held in Milan, Bergamo, Brescia and Cuneo. Video connections will also be available at Varese and Darfo Boario Terme. 


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14/09/2015  12:40

UBI Banca issues the social bond “UBI Comunità per Fondazione Progetto Arca onlus” (UBI Community for the Progetto Arca Onlus Foundation): the project finance provides housing relief to disadvantaged persons, has a duration of five years and involves measurement (SROI) of the social benefit generated


Part of the amount placed will go to help renovate a building owned by the City of Milan to provide temporary accommodation for people suffering hardship. This intervention is supported by means of a charitable donation and the grant of a loan for €1 million. It is estimated that the project will generate social benefits of around €1.39 for each euro invested. 


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27/07/2015  11:20

UBI Banca and the Italian Trade Agency sign a framework agreement to collaborate in their support for firms that wish to go international


The UBI Banca Group and the ITA, the Italian Trade Agency, have signed a two-year collaboration agreement to advise Group customers who wish to trade on international markets and to support their activities with a series of specific services to assist and advise them and help them develop advertising events.


Under the terms of the agreement, UBI Banca’s international network will integrate with ITA’s 80 offices available in 64 different countries. The agency will provide packages of services with reduced charges for the corporate clients of the banking Group and it will share information on countries, commercial opportunities, tenders for international contracts and on investments by and for Italy.  


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08/07/2015  14:00

Over 1,300 employees at UBI Banca choose the charity project entitled “Donate one day”


This initiative, implemented in co-operation with Sodalitas, involved 78 nonprofit organisations.

This is confirmation of the UBI Group’s commitment to the third sector and the generosity of the employees who signed up for the initiative and took an active part in the activities of the NPOs. 




See infografic > 


See videos >




06/07/2015  10:25

PRESTITALIA launches a new business plan


The Parent, UBI Banca, invests in the future of this company that specialises in “salary backed loans” 


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22/06/2015 16:40

The UBI Banca 2014 Social Report is Published €2.6 billion distributed in the community


€1.4 billion to employees and €1.1 billion to the supply chain of over 10 thousand suppliers and to Government. Anti-crisis measures and support for social initiatives implemented. 


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See infographic >



08/06/2015 14:40

€50 million for the agricultural and food sector from the EIB and the UBI Banca Group


The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the UBI Banca Group have recently signed an agreement to finance Italian SMEs and Mid-Caps in the agricultural and food sector for a total of €50 million. On the basis of the agreement, projects will be financed in the farming and related sectors including forestry, fishing and food manufacturing. 


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05/06/2015 10:00 

Make a Change and UBI Banca present “Grow the right idea!”


The fifth edition of the competition “The best job in the world” conceived of by Make a Change is underway. It is organised this year in partnership with UBI Banca and focuses on socially and environmentally oriented start-ups in the food and agricultural sectors.

The main benefits for the winner will be an interest-free loan of up to €50,000 and a six-month period of incubation free of charge in Make a Cube.


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09/04/2015 16:00

New appointments at UBI Banca subsidiaries. A focus on internal managers


Gianluca Bisognani designated as General Manager of UBI Pramerica, Cesare Colombi as General Manager of Prestitalia and Andrea Pennacchia as General Manager of IWBank Private Investments. 


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30/03/2015 17:00 

“UBI Banca new scenarios, new opportunities” a roadshow for senior management of the group to meet registered shareholders


This initiative, now a standing appointment with the Chairmen and the chief executive officer, is launched again for the third consecutive year. The three appointments will be held the week before the 2015 Annual General Meeting and will be held in the cities of Milan, Bergamo and Brescia. Video connections will be available at Varese and Darfo Boario Terme





23/03/2015 11:00 

IV edition of the “UBI BANCA Observatory on Finance and the Third Sector” 


The “UBI Banca Observatory on Finance and the Third Sector” has now reached its fourth edition. Organised by UBI Banca with technical assistance from AICCON (Italian Association for the promotion of a co-operation and nonprofit culture), it was formed with the objective of continuously monitoring the state of progress and the development of third-sector financial requirements.


The fourth edition completes the observation of the main legally approved types of nonprofit organisations undertaken in 2011 with an analysis of social co-operatives, added to over the years with a focus on associations (2012) and foundations (2013).


The fourth edition of the survey, which covers 2014, explored the demand for financial services from the world of Italian social entrepreneurship. It analysed a sample of enterprises by administering a survey questionnaire to the managers of 250 social co-operatives and social co-operative consortiums and 50 limited liability social enterprises





10/03/2015 14:40 

UBI Banca consolidates and broadens its range of mobile banking services


Smartphone access to services to transfer funds between individuals and to payment, banking and trading services with evolved functions 


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09/03/2015 11:00 

UBI Banca presents a social bond, part of the income from which will go to the Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla Onlus (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association Charity) 


The “Rehabilitation activities to support severely disabled persons with MS” project, to help around 900 persons suffering from multiple sclerosis and similar disorders will receive 0.50% of the face value of the bonds. On completion of the project funded, the report on the results will be supplemented with an indication of the SROI, an indicator which measures the social return on the capital invested. 


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16/02/2015 11:50 

UBI Banca is certified as one of the “Top Employers” in Italy in 2015 for the working conditions it provides for its personnel 


This official recognition, awarded at international level, is based on a detailed analysis of conditions in companies in the sphere of human resources (HR) and of initiatives and services for employees which UBI Banca has increased over the years. 63 Italian companies certified, of which 6 are banks. 


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12/02/2015 14:10 

Press Release


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28/01/2015 17:00 

A loan pool of €20 million is launched to support businesses in view of Expo 2015 


An initiative by Asconfidi Lombardia, the “guarantee body network” which unites thirteen guarantee body organisations in Lombardy. 

More credit to service companies thanks to an agreement with UBI Banca 


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26/01/2015 11:30 

With the social bond “UBI Comunità per Dynamo Camp Onlus”, UBI Banca introduces the calculation of SROI in an investment instrument for the first time in Italy 


UBI Banca announces the issue of the social bond UBI Comunità per Associazione Dynamo Camp Onlus for a total amount of €20 million. Part of the proceeds from the issue will be donated to the association to support the “Outreach” project, which takes the Dynamo Camp recreational therapy programmes out of the “camp” to benefit children with serious or chronic illnesses.






13/01/2015 19:00 



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