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Press    Press 2018

This section is for communications with the press and media. Our objective is to co-operate professionally and actively to provide prompt and clear information on news concerning our Group. 
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UBI Banca issues the social bond “UBI Comunità per Banco dell’energia Onlus”, the proceeds of which will help support 200 families in difficulty with economic support and help with finding a job






UBI Banca passes the one billion euro mark with its placement of social bonds. Since 2012 social bonds have made it possible to finance 91 high social impact initiatives.

Letizia Moratti, Chairwoman of the UBI Management Board:
“To combine solidarity with profit is not just possible. It is necessary”



UBI Banca was the first in Italy to create and launch social bonds that combine investment with solidarity. Over seven years charitable donations of €4.8 million have been made and loan pools have been created to grant loans of €21 million under easy terms and conditions.


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UBI Banca-AIRC Partnership: over €5 million raised for cancer research since 2013


This partnership, which has been renewed until 2019, has succeeded both in raising funds over the years with the "I giorni della Ricerca” (“Research Days”) campaign and with support for the AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research) by means of three social bonds, donations from customers and employees and the waiver of fees for use of the Carta Enjoy Social Edition payment card. The “I Cioccolatini della Ricerca”(a box of “research” chocolates) will be in all branches from 12th November.


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A new website “Arte UBI Banca” has arrived to enhance the Bank’s artistic heritage. A dedicated Instagram channel @arteubibanca has also been launched.


The arte.ubibanca.com website promotes events, exhibitions and cultural projects either curated or supported by UBI Banca and it also displays an initial part of the Bank’s art collection. The website is accompanied by the Instagram channel @arteubibanca to increase opportunities for involvement by art lovers.


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UBI Banca issues the social bond “UBI Comunità per CALCIT Arezzo” the proceeds of which will help support the project entitled Breast Cancer Unit – Arezzo Senology Centre” the purpose of which is to develop and improve breast screening work in collaboration with the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority




UBI Banca will assist with the purchase of high-tech equipment designed to appreciably improve the appropriateness of diagnostic tests for women between the ages of 45 and 74 undergoing breast screening by means of subsidised loans and charitable donations.



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UBI Banca and Confindustria (Confederation of Industry) renew their agreement for innovation and digitalisation in companies



The association of industrialists and the bank confirmed the formation of a €1 billion loan pool to finance company investments in line with the objectives of the “Industria 4.0 National Plan”. New strategic elements have been introduced in the memorandum of intent: the distribution of corporate welfare, the development of “4.0 Supply Chains” and corporate social responsibility. 


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Economics and finance explained for young Juventus athletes: a one-year training course which involved 100 pupils and students from Juventus College was concluded with a conference entitled “Choose what I want”


The financial education training course for the 2017-18 academic year brought together UBI Banca and Juventus in co-operation with the FEduF (financial education foundation) in four training sessions for pupils and students in the age groups 14-17 and 18-20. 


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An executive MBA at Pavia to train the managers of the future



Today the Alma Mater Ticinensis Foundation and UBI Banca presented a Master in Business Administration entitled “EMBA Ticinensis”, supported by the University of Pavia. The curriculum is designed to train a selected Group of managers and professionals, already on a career path, to manage change required by the “digital transformation”. 


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UBI Banca issues the social bond “UBI Comunità per AIL”, the proceeds of which will help support a project to redefine and standardise care services provided by this Italian Association to fight Leukaemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma.



The project entitled “Standardisation of home care services for haematological patients” will receive 0.50% of the face value of the bonds and thereby improve the quality of life for these patients. AIL will disclose the results achieved and the relative report will include details of the SROI, estimated, ex ante, at €8.80. 


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You can now use Jiffy to pay for your Bergamo public transport season ticket thanks to an agreement between the ATB, UBI Banca and SIA


Azienda Transport Bergamo (ATB – Bergamo public transport) has reached an agreement with UBI Banca and SIA to allow public transport season tickets to be purchased using a smartphone thanks to the Jiffy service which links a cell phone number to a user’s season ticket card (b-card). This is an absolute first in Italy.


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Social 4 Planet

An innovative socially responsible SICAV managed by UBI Pramerica SGR to invest in the circular economy


UBI Pramerica SGR takes a new step forward in its distinctive approach to responsible investments that combine an eye on the return with support for socially useful initiatives 


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UBI Banca’s employees donate over 5,000 days of vacation over five years by choosing the charity project entitled “Donate one day”


This initiative, which began with the pilot stage in 2014, has involved over 100 nonprofit organisations throughout Italy over the last five years. Over those five years over 2,700 Group employees have given the same number of days voluntary work and the bank has donated approximately €500,000  to the NPOs. 



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The CGM Co-operative Group joins UBI Banca’s welfare services


Agreement reached between the Bank and the CGM National Consortium of Co-operatives, which has over 700 social co-operative members. Customers which use the UBI Welfare platform will have access to high-quality services in the fields of education (children’s nurseries, infants schools, summer centres, after-school services and support with homework) and care (assistance with minors, the elderly and the disabled).


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UBI Banca is the first listed Italian company to win the “European Grand Prix de la Mixité” on its first edition for companies listed on the FTSE MIB index. It is organised by the Institut du Capitalisme Responsable and Ethics & Boards and has been presented today in a ceremony held as part of the Paris Europlace International Financial Forum.


UBI Banca is the first listed Italian company to be awarded the “1st European Grand Prix de la Mixité” prize in the FTSE MIB Category. It is an award conceived of to recognise and reward organisations for their excellence and best practices in the sphere of gender diversity and which, with the 2018 edition, has been conferred on a European scale for the first time.


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You can now pay using Jiffy to park in Via Milano Parking car parks at Milano Bergamo Airport thanks to an agreement between SEA, UBI Banca and SIA



Società Esercizi Aeroportuali (SEA) has reached an agreement with SIA and UBI Banca which allows you to use their smart phones to pay for parking in the P2 and P3 car parks at Milan Bergamo Airport, thanks to a Jiffy service which links your cellphone number with your vehicle licence plate number. This is a first in Italy. 



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UBI Banca issues the social bond “UBI Comunità per Cesvi”, the proceeds of which will help raise awareness among public opinion on the issue of the mistreatment and neglect of children in Italy


The campaign entitled “#LiberiTutti” (all free) part of the “IoConto” (I count) network created by Cesvi, which operates throughout Italy, will receive 0.50% of face value of the bonds. Cesvi will report the results achieved, measured on the basis of specific indicators. The ex ante SROI for the project is €1.88.


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UBI Banca takes on 330 new recruits in 2018 to support digital innovation and new customer service models



330 new recruits in 2018 as part of the 2019/20 Business Plan under which 1,100 staff will be appointed in the 2017-2019 three-year period, partly with a view to generation turnover to replace staff leaving. 100 positions to be filled in 2018 for which selection procedures targeting new university graduates above all are currently ongoing.


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UBI Banca renovates the Cecchina basketball court

the inauguration is in Rome today with Danilo Gallinari



The bank has donated a fully renovated basketball court to the neighbourhood. An inauguration day has been organised to present it with tournaments and sports displays. Danilo Gallinari, who is a forward for the Italian national team and the Los Angeles Clippers, will be the guest of honour. This champion will launch the new life of the court which will continue to be used freely by people living in the neighbourhood and local schools. The event is sponsored by the City of Rome in co-operation with the NBA.


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Seventh edition of the "UBI Banca observatory on finance and the third sector"  


The 2017 report focuses on financial requirements and future developments of the two groups of which the Italian social enterprise sector is composed: on the one hand the survey explores revenue forecasts for 2018, relationships with banks and the outlook in terms of the financial requirements of social co-operatives, a long-standing part of this world, and, as a result of the reform of the third sector and of social enterprises (Law No. 106/2016), also legally authorised social enterprises; on the other hand the same analysis has been conducted on “startup innovative a vocazione social” (SIAVS – innovative social vocation enterprise start-ups), those innovative start-ups (Law No. 221/2012), which operate in social enterprise sectors by law and pursue aims designed to produce a social impact.






“WIDENING OUR WORLD”: UBI Banca brings together over 200 international economists and bankers in Milan


The International Banking Forum is attended by representatives of around 80 foreign correspondent banks of the UBI Banca Group from 22 different countries around the world


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UBI Top Private banking reports on its first year

The results were presented at the “Top Private Evolution Convention” with growth in assets managed and in numbers of Private Relationship Managers


“UBI Top Private”, UBI Banca’s private banking division is now ranked among the top five private banking operators on the Italian market. It has assets of approximately €36 billion under management (over €32 billion at the end of 2016) and operates through a network of 82 private banking facilities located throughout the country with 300 Private Relationship Managers.






Jiffy is now available for everyone and it simplifies payments even in iperdrives thanks to an agreement between Iper la grande i, UBI Banca and SIA



Iper - la grande i has rolled out the Jiffy service to all its 27 sales outlets in seven regions of Italy so you can now use your smartphone to pay directly from your current account. What is more, starting today you can also pay with Jiffy in Iper - La grande i’s 16 iperdrives, its pick up and pay points



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Agreement between Ansaldo Energia and UBI Banca: common initiatives to support the growth of ansaldo energia’s suppliers


Thanks to an agreement signed and presented in Genoa by top managers of the respective groups, an initial substantial number of suppliers to the energy group will have access to dedicated loan products and specialist advisory services to do business on global markets.



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Now you can pay for your shopping with Jiffy.

Iper, La grande i, a major Italian hypermarket chain, is leading the field among Italian mass retailers thanks to an agreement between UBI Banca and SIA


Doing the shopping at the Iper hypermarkets at Seriate, Orio al Serio, Rozzano and Vittuone is becoming faster and more evolved. You can pay directly using your current account thanks to a smartphone that scans a QR code. The new service will be gradually rolled out in another 23 Iper’s sales outlets across seven regions of Italy by the end of the first half of 2018.






UBI Banca and Confindustria (Confederation of Industry) invite twenty one companies to join Borsa Italiana’s ELITE


The “ELITE UBI Banca Lounge” is presented today at Borsa Italiana: it will allow 21 companies from eight regions with aggregate sales of around €3 billion to gain access to a platform of special tools designed to accelerate their growth and meet the challenges, amongst other things, of innovation and digitalisation within the framework of “Piano Nazionale Industria 4.0” (National Industry Plan 4.0).


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UBI Banca and Federfarma come together to promote company welfare



This partnership offers tailor-made company welfare solutions for the well-being of their staff to around 1,000 association member pharmacies


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UBI Banca 2018 “Top Employer”


The results achieved by the Group in 2017 enabled it to win this award for excellence in its human resources policies for the fourth consecutive year. Distinguishing features included the very many hours of training, its smart working strategies and its corporate voluntary work.








Economics and finance explained for the young: the “Day of Financial Education for Apulia” arrives in Bari


As a conference-cum-exhibition for upper secondary schools organised by UBI Banca and the Fondazione per l’Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio (FEduF  Foundation for Financial Education and Savings). 


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