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Press 2019

This section is for communications with the press and media. Our objective is to co-operate professionally and actively to provide prompt and clear information on news concerning our Group. 
The information is updated constantly and our press office is always available for further requests for information (see press contacts).





UBI Banca looks at international fintech: agreement is  concluded with Plug and Play accelerator


This partnership with one of the largest open innovation platforms will give the bank access to a global network of fintech start-ups. It is thereby expanding the number of its collaborations with accelerators, incubators and brokers on a global scale where the objective is to grasp opportunities for innovation in the most dynamic realities right from the outset. 


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UBI Banca strengthens its Investment Banking. Opening of the new ‘Global Markets’ division, expanding operations on the financial markets


A team of around 60 professionals will work to ensure access to the capital markets for Corporate, Financial Institution, Private Banking and Retail clients. The project will complete the Investment Banking platform, adding new businesses with synergies with the Corporate Finance business that has been a major focus of investment for UBI  Banca over the last 24 months. 


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UBI Banca issues its “UBI Comunità per la Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus” Social Bond


Fifty percent of the nominal value of the bonds will be used to implement the project “Più recupero, più vicino” (More Salvage, More Local). This aims to boost the Banco Alimentare’s (Food Bank) collection of surplus products from the agrifood supply chain, major retailers and catering businesses, which are then redistributed free of charge to the partner charities that help people in need. The ex ante SROI for the project is €9.81


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The CDP and UBI Banca have implemented financing of €500 million to support SMEs in southern Italy


The agreement makes use of liquidity, guarantee and alternative finance instruments to help Italian firms gain access to credit, with a view, amongst other things, to international expansion.
The first CDP operation to provide funding to UBI, through the subscription of a € 500 million bond to support SMEs in southern Italy.


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UBI Top Private: a focus on high net worth individuals as Emilio Carugati joins the bank


UBI Banca announces that Emilio Carugati is joining the Bank as “Ultra High Net Worth Manager” in the UBI Top Private Banking Division, a sector in which UBI Banca is firmly positioned among the top players on the Italian market with assets administered and under management of approximately €38 billion.


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SACE SIMEST and UBI Banca, partners for credit recovery of past due trade receivables on international markets


With this partnership the Bank’s clients will have a team of specialists and over 200 correspondents around the world available to them to manage their credit recovery activities.


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Agreement between UBI Banca and the Lombardy Confindustria (confederation of industry) to support innovation and digitalisation in companies


Firms belonging to Industry 4.0 supply chains will have access to a €1 billion “Research, development and innovation loan pool”. Objective: to support the growth of firms in the community by focusing on innovation, digitalisation and the development of sustainable projects through special purpose finance within a given supply chain. A key role played by the Lombardy Digital Innovation Hub.


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UBI Banca speeds up payments: instant credit transfers now available thanks to Nexi technology 


The instant credit transfer service, operational as of today, is aimed at over four million of the Bank’s customers and guarantees maximum security for the transfer of money in real time. Instant credit transfers are yet another innovative feature of UBI’s payment systems and they form part of a broader strategy to improve cusomer services.



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A year of growth for third sector enterprises: revenues and investments increase in 2019


Forecasts of the eighth edition of the UBI Banca – AICCON (Italian Association for the promotion of a co-operation and nonprofit culture) Observatory on “Finance and the Third Sector”: approximately 70% of social enterprises and co-operatives forecast growth in revenues in 2019 and a strong intention to invest has been recorded making use of social impact financing instruments or subsidised finance supported by banks.


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PSD2: UBI Banca ready for open banking with support from CBI Globe


In compliance with the requirements set by PSD2 (European Directive 2015/2366 on payment services), as of 1st June 2019 UBI Banca has updated its systems to allow third parties to develop services based on online access to its customers.


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UBI Banca issues the social bond “UBI Comunità per Fondazione Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza


A donation equal to 0.50% of the nominal amount of the bonds issued will be made to implement the “Virtual Round Project” for the geriatric ward in the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Hospital. This will allow innovative digital support tools to be used for both elderly inpatients and for families looking after patients requiring care after discharge. The ex ante SROI for the project is €1.88.


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UBI Banca refurbishes the Piazza d’Armi basketball court in Turin:  the ribbon is cut with the Mayoress Chiara Appendino and the NBA Star Marco Belinelli


A refurbished basketball court is gifted to the city in the Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto Park. Tournaments and special lessons by professionals were organised for the day of the inauguration, dedicated to the young and to families with music and shows. The event, organised in partnership with the NBA, was sponsored by the City of Turin.


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UBI Top Private Banking consolidates its position among the market leaders


UBI Top Private Banking, UBI Banca’s private banking division, a leading player on the Italian market, brought its Private Banking Relationship Managers and senior managers of the Bank together at Palazzo Mezzanotte to take stock of its first two years activity and to share strategies and growth targets at its “Top Private Banking Vision Convention”. With assets under management of approximately €36 billion and 27 Private Banking Centres operating throughout Italy, UBI Top Private Banking looks to the future counting on its excellence and a full range of advisory services to compete on complex, innovative and changing markets. 


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UBI Banca renews its partnership with the NBA:  it will be the Official Bank for Italy for the next three years


The Bank is continuing its collaboration with the National Basketball Association in the retail banking sector. UBI Banca is the first financial group in the country to link itself to the American professional league. 


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UBI Banca brings together fintechs and start-ups to take a glimpse into the future of the financial system


A meeting in Milan is  organised by the bank to discuss the effects of the PSD2 regulation and evolving customer services with players in the financial industry. UBI Banca has invested over €160 million in technological innovation since 2016.


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UBI Banca invests in gamification and launches the APP “UBIverse: metti in gioco le tue competenze”


UBIverse: metti in gioco le tue competenze” is UBI Banca’s new gaming App developed in co-operation with OpenKnowledge–Gruppo BIP, available free on iOS and Android devices and downloadable directly on Apple Store and on Google Play Store.


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UBI Banca issues the Social Bond “UBI Comunità per l’Arcidiocesi di Milano”: the proceeds will be used to reduce adult and child mortality rates in the district of Chirundu in Zambia


The medical and paramedical personnel of the Mtendere Mission Hospital, founded by priests from the Archdiocese of Milan, will receive 0.50% of the face value of the bonds to help improve the quality of the health service and to teach the fundamentals of proper hygiene and child nutrition. The ex ante SROI for the project is €3.73.


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UBI Banca and italiaonline: agreement to support digitalisation for ItalianSMEs


The Bank, in collaboration with this internet company, proposes partnering with artisans, merchants, professionals and SMEs to assist them with digitalisation in their activities and to help them grow their businesses even on the global market thanks to the opportunities offered by the digital world.


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UBI banca and ADAPT present “Welfare for people”: the second report on company and occupational welfare in Italy


This report takes a snapshot of the development of this phenomenon which lies increasingly at the centre of changes in industrial relations with a focus, in the second edition, on supplementary healthcare. Over two years the bank has concluded a national framework agreement through its specialist UBI Welfare Division with Confindustria (confederation of industry) and 18 agreements with local employer’s and business associations in order to promote a culture of welfare and the adoption of best practices in the field.


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Memorandum of Understanding: agreement between UBI Banca and SUMEC ITC


SUMEC ITC is a leading concern in China in the machinery import field and its aim is to become a major player in Italian exports to China.


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UBI Banca launches "Ricariconto" (account reload): the first service that allows balances to be reloaded with one or more current account expenses repayable in instalments


A product is offered for the first time in Italy which allows expenses already incurred to be repaid in instalments in order to manage family budgets completely independently. The Bank has filed a patent application for this service.


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UBI Banca and CFI - Cooperazione Finanza Impresa sign a memorandum of intent to support production co-operatives and social enterprise


UBI Banca has signed a commercial co-operation agreement with CFI (Cooperazione Finanza Impresa) to encourage the development of production and labour co-operatives and social enterprise initiatives throughout Italy. CFI is a joint stock co-operative company that has been in operation since 1986 to promote production and labour co-operatives and social co-operatives. It is promoted by AGCI – Associazione Generale Cooperative Italiane (General Association of Italian Co-operatives), CONFCOOPERATIVE and LEGACOOP and stakeholders include the Ministry for Economic Development and Invitalia Spa. 


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UBI Welfare wins the 2018 National Prize for Innovation, the “Prize of Prizes” 


UBI Welfare, the service that UBI Banca provides to companies to manage their company welfare, has won the 2018 National Prize for Innovation, the “Prize of Prizes”. 


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UBI Banca “Top Employer” 2019


A performance assessment system open and continuously ready for input, “lavoro agile” (smart working) and the development of the relative competencies, one-day training courses on organisational well-being, team building events, the instructors’ school, talent acquisition, onboarding and the enhancement of talents: these are just some of the initiatives which, subject to an overall analysis of working conditions and activities carried out to manage staff that work in the company, enabled UBI Banca to achieve “Top Employer” certification again for 2019.


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