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Press    Press 2020

This section is for communications with the press and media. Our objective is to co-operate professionally and actively to provide prompt and clear information on news concerning UBI Banca. 
The information is updated constantly and our press office is always available for further requests for information (see press contacts). 





UBI Banca participates in the 19th edition of "invitation to the Palazzo"


This year UBI invites the public to take part in fully digital mode, as it offers virtual visits to some of its most significant architectural sites throughout the country.


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UBI Banca, ANFFAS and CGM announce the winners of the “Trust in Life” competition


The organisations that have developed the best projects to support persons with serious disabilities and their families have been selected as part of the competition under the “After us” Law organised by the Bank and by the two third sector organisations.


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COVID-19 Emergency: UBI Banca and Cooperfidi Italia support third sector organisations


A new liquidity measure for both Church and non-Church non-profit organisations: UBI Banca makes short, medium and long-term loans available, guaranteed by Cooperfidi Italia (a guarantee body), to meet urgent financial commitments in the absence of or a reduction in current income and to support investments for infrastructure and organisational upgrades.


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UBI Banca, Unioncamere Lombardia and Innexta: a memorandum for collaboration and support to firms is signed


The objective of the agreement is to work jointly to support firms in Lombardy in their innovation, digitisation, development and growth processes, needed to assist them in the wake of the difficult context generated by Covid-19.


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UBI Banca's position on the Messaggero Article dated 5th July


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UBI Banca with regard to recent articles in the press


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UBI Banca strengthens its presence on financial markets: it has commenced market-making activity in italian government securities


The Bank is broadening its range of financial services and is taking a more active role on the bond market. This initiative by the Global Markets Department is aimed at institutional clients and forms part of a wider objective to reinforce investment banking business.


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UBI Banca invests in Green Arrow Capital


The Bank subscribed to a 5% capital increase of the group's Holding GAC Spa.


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UBI Banca available on AppGallery, easier and faster payments for all Huawei Mobile Services devices


The Group is the first bank in Italy to arrive with its own app on the Huawei store, providing customers handy digital services to be used in a simple and user-friendly way from smartphones and tablets.


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“Italy, a new start”: UBI Banca and Italiaonline open up the digital path to merchants, artisans , professionals and small businesses


As part of the €10 billion programme launched to support businesses, households and the third sector just a few days after the beginning of the health emergency, the Bank and the largest Italian internet company are launching a joint collaboration to allow artisans, merchants and professionals to expand their online activities. 


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Covid-19 emergency: over €500 million already disbursed with guarantees under the liquidity decree


With a market share of greater than 25% of the total authorisations issued by Medio Credito Centrale (MCC) (for over 44,000 guarantees confirmed) the UBI Banca Group has confirmed its leadership for guaranteed loans of up to €25,000 under the Liquidity Decree. Over 25,000 of the 44,000 guarantees confirmed by MCC for UBI Banca have already been disbursed.

As a consequence, to-date the Bank has exceeded the threshold of €500 million of loans granted to its customers.  This figure represents finance that is additional to that already available on current accounts.


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UBI Banca is now the main partner of the Insuperabili Reset Academy


The bank has strengthened its ties with the world of sport and the third sector. It is supporting an organisation which has had a strong commitment for years to the development and integration of disabled children and young people into society through the game of football.


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Covid-19 epidemic: 10 thousand guarantees confirmed for UBI customers


This number for UBI Banca customers accounts for 50% of the total for the sector in Italy as at 27th April. The Bank has received confirmation from Mediocredito Centrale to go ahead with 10 thousand state guarantees for loans of up to €25 thousand. 


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Growtf of third sector enterprises continues: investments and growth in business with banks increased in 2019


The main results of the ninth edition of the Observatory on “Finance and the Third Sector” promoted by UBI Banca and AICCON (Italian Association for the promotion of a co-operation and nonprofit culture) found that 96% of third sector enterprises had made investments and that 78% were satisfied with their relationships with banks.


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COVID-19 Emergency: UBI Banca launches “Italy, a New Start” an integrated programme of up to €10 billion to finance families, businesses and the third sector hit by the crisis that has struck the country


Concrete support for the Italian economy and its families to help with financial sustainability and to hold society together. Particular attention is paid to industrial areas, the heart of the Italian economy and a pillar of Europe. The Bank has played an integral part in its history and is now offering essential protection in these critical and difficult times


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COVID-19 Epidemic. The Group is moving fast with technological and organisational answers to protect the local communities of which it forms an essential part


The Bank has taken a series of operational measures. In just a few days it has installed 10,000 smartworking workstations, reduced working hours and shifts in branches and it has introduced new processes such as remote acceptance of moratorium and contract applications. It has made sure staff have prevention kits and has adopted stringent prevention measures.


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COVID-19 Epidemic. The UBI Banca Group is supporting health institutions and research centres that are working directly to manage the crisis with a donation of €5 million. Initiatives to assist families and businesses are continuing


UBI Banca’s Board of Directors chaired by Letizia Moratti has approved a budget of €5 million to makecharitable donations to fund institutions and organisations that are working directly to manage this Covid 19 epidemic. 


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Covid-19 emergency: UBI Banca is ready to grant a moratorium to business hit by the spread of the Coronavirus


The bank has taken measures which take effect immediately to support businesses impacted by the measures to contain the spread of contagion. This initiative regards Group customers throughout the country and makes the recent announcement by the Italian Banking Association operational.


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Covid-19 "Coronavirus": business and personal customers of UBI Banca may ask for repayments on loans to be deferred


This measure applies to customers who are resident in the municipalities subject to prohibition orders and to all firms that have operating headquarters in them.


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UBI Banca chooses the Fabrick ecosystem  and accelerates on open banking


The Bank has broadened its scouting activities and backs open innovation to develop new customer services. With the Fabrick platform it will be able to grasp all the opportunities of PSD2. The partnership will allow the UBI Group to enter the Fintech District as a corporate member. 


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UBI Banca meets up with fintech and industry:progress and innovation for sustainable finance


The Bank organised a meeting to discuss new organisational processes and business models capable of stimulating sustainable development. Protagonists of the fintech ecosystem, the world of academia and representatives from major firms expert on ESG issues were those involved.


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UBI Banca is again a "Top Employer" in 2020


The results achieved by the Group in 2019 enabled it to win this award for excellence in its human resources policies for the sixth consecutive year. Its best practices include employee welfare and a strong awareness of inclusion and diversity issues.


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UBI Banca signs up to the Assisi Manifesto for an economy on a human scale against the climate crisis


The Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, Letizia Moratti, signed the programme document on behalf of the Bank, in order to underline its commitment to sustainability, comprising also the sphere of economic action.


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Apple Pay now available for UBI Banca Customers


UBI Banca, one of the main commercial banking Groups in Italy, today brings its customers Apple Pay, which is transforming payments with an easy, secure and private way to pay. With Apple Pay on iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad and Mac, customers can make fast and convenient purchases in stores, in apps and on websites.


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UBI Banca included in 2020 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index


UBI Banca today announced that it is one of 325 companies across 50 industries included in the 2020 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI). The GEI expanded in 2020 to represent 42 countries and regions, including firms headquartered in the Czech Republic, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, and Russia for the first time. Companies range from a variety of industries, including automotive, banking, consumer services, engineering and construction, and retail.


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UBI Banca and the Region of Lombardy’s Schools Office present “Futurità” (futureness), an educational programme for pupils and teachers on the subject of sustainability


Futurità is the first project which brings a completely new approach to sustainability into schools, designed specifically for young people of the Z generation. The initiative is organised by UBI Banca in co-operation with the Region of Lombardy’s Schools Office. The digital partner in the programme is WeSchool, a leading player in Italy in digital education. Awards and scholarships are planned for schools and pupils that produce the best work on this subject. Around 40,000 pupils will be potentially involved in the pilot phase of the programme.


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UBI Banca issues the Social Bond UBI Comunità per la Fondazione dell’Ospedale Pediatrico Anna Meyer Onlus”


The project entitled “LudoBiblio dell'Ospedale Pediatrico Meyer”, which will receive 0.50% of the nominal value of the bonds, is a welcoming play and meeting area in which children in hospital can continue to cultivate interests of their own age and make their stay in hospital less traumatic. The ex-ante SROI for the project is €1.55.


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